Inexpensive activities for children to do during Fall Break

Fall break is here or approaching for many families with children in school. The little ones can get bored easily or you  may even hear the dread, “I’m bored” words come out of their mouths. With children; they tend to get a little anxious or ramboxious ; so here are some fun ideas to keep the children busy while school is not in session.

~ Take a visit to the local museum, aquarium, park or zoo! Usually these places offer special days where you can get a better rate or have activities or seminars going on  specifically because they know children are needing fun things to do when school is not in session.

~ Create your own treasure or scavenger hunt in your home or yard

~ Start your own play dates with neighbors and other parents so your children can get together while the parents can have adult conversation

~ If you like movies; have a movie marathon day; complete with snacks and cozy wear!

~ Try new restaurants; you may find a new favorite!

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